Some of the things to look for

when walking on Table Mountain

Table Mountain is a floral wonder. In a relatively small area almost 1500 plant species have been recorded. There are more species of plant on this small mountain than in the whole of the British isles!! So it is worth keeping your eyes open on a hike and just looking at the plants around your feet. What adds extra fascination is the difference between both the species of plant and the time of flowering in different areas of the mountain.

Last week I hiked along the 12 Apostels from Llandudno to Kasteelspoort,where we descended. Here are just some of the plants we spotted along the way.

The delicate China Flower is common all over the mountain

The delicate China Flower is common all over the mountain

Although not rare, finding a beautiful Painted Lady is always a treat

Although not rare, finding a beautiful Painted Lady is always a treat


The beautiful and elegant Arum Lilly is found close to water

The beautiful and elegant Arum Lilly is found close to water

The Comb flower. The Iris family.

The Comb flower. The Iris family.

The False Slugwort is easy to recognise and commonly found beside paths

The False Slugwort is easy to recognise and commonly found beside paths


The succulant sour fig

The succulant sour fig

The tall Watsonia's are always bright and impressive

The tall Watsonia's are always bright and impressive

6 months before flowering, the King Protea bud is still impressive
6 months before flowering, the King Protea bud is still impressive

  So when next hiking on Table Mountain take the time to look around you and see the splendour and beauty.