Fynbos hikes on Table Mountain
Take a guided hike on Table Mountain with Ridgway Ramblers to find King Proteas and Disa’s in flower
One of the most fantastic things about Table Mountain is that throughout the year there will always be something flowering. To choose a favourite time of year would be difficult, however February and March are pretty special with a variety of Disa’s and the King Protea flowering at this time.
Disa is a large African orchid genus. There are 144 species found in Southern Africa with many being found on Table Mountain. They come in a variety of colours and size with many being restricted to very small areas or small and rarely seen. The best known of the Disa’s is the Disa Uniflora. This large and stunning flower is the representative flower of the Western Cape. It flowers in abundance alongside many of the rivers and damp areas on Table Mountain. The Aquaduct, Myburghs Waterfall Ravine and Window Gorge being some of the favourite places for viewing.

The beautiful Red Disa
Whilst the beautiful Red Disa is large and often found in large groups. There are others in flower during February and March which are often missed. The dainty Blue Disa is found alongside many of the paths of the mountain but often ignored as it is found singly and relatively small.

The small and dainty Blue Disa
The Cluster Disa is another beautiful patch of colour found all over the mountain during these months.

The colourful Cluster Disa
Whilst these examples by no means exhaust the variety of Disa plants that can be found on the mountain. They are among the most common during the late summer which is also the time when the King Protea flowers in this area. The King Protea is one of the largest and most outstanding of the Protea family. For this reason it is the national flower of South Africa. Recognisable by its large flowerhead and distinctly stalked leaves. Whislt King Proteas can be found throughout the Table Mountain National Park, they can be found in great abundance in Nursery Ravine.

A beautiful Protea found in Nursery Ravine