A Table Mountain Tree
One of the most common and striking trees that you will see on Table Mountain is the wild Peach. Found throughout the river gorges and on rocky ledges you can find it all over Table Mountain, but most abundantly on the Eastern slopes above Kirstenbosch and Cecelia Forest. The Wild Peach is a compact and pretty tree. Its leaves make it fairly easy to identify as they are a dark olive green on the upper surface, with a much lighter, even white under surface.

The olive green upper surface of the wild peach tree
From February to July the tree is even easier to recognise due to the knobbly green capsules containing the seeds that appear now.

A knobbly capsule that contains the seed appears from February to July
The seeds then split to form 5 pointed stars with bright red inners.

The capsule splits to reveal a 5 pointed star
Said to attract lightning some people have planted this tree to protect thier homes, it was originally used as the spokes in wagon wheels.